10 Tips to Follow for Packing – updated 2018

I about three years ago, in 2015, I left my home state of Oregon and made my way to Santiago, Chile. I was there for a year, studying, meeting new people and practicing my Spanish. I can honestly say it was one of the best years of my life.


I originally wrote this article before I left for South America and I remember being nervous but excited. Since then, I have learned a lot about traveling and packing. I have strategies that help me stay balanced and grounded before and during a trip. You can learn more about those strategies for mindfulness and positive mental health while traveling by checking out the categories Recovery and Mental Health.

In this article, I am specifically looking at packing for solo backpacking trips. My adventures are usually low-budget and from a minimalist mindset. The following ten tips come from that perspective. They are strategies I use to make traveling a lot more enjoyable.

10 Tips to Follow When Packing for a Trip:

1. MAKE A LIST! (Or multiple) of what you need to bring/ do before your trip.

I love lists. I make one before I leave for any trip, no matter the duration.

2. Only bring what you can carry.

Remember that as a budget traveler you will most likely spend a lot of time walking; more times than not on ground that is not roller bag friendly. Make sure you can carry your things before leaving home. A backpack is always the easiest for that but they can get heavy. Just be aware of your physical capabilities and pack accordingly.

3. Wear your heaviest clothes and shoes on the plane.

This suggestion is specifically for hard-core backpackers. If you are going somewhere where you might need both sandals and hiking boots, wear the boots on the plan. It may make going through security a little harder but you will have a lot more space in your bag if you do.

4. Bring outfits that work for multiple occasions.

When you are deciding on clothing, make sure to research the country you are visiting. Do they have specific recommendations for what foreigners should wear? What will the weather be like? The more all-encompassing outfits you can pack the easier it will be to pack less.

5. Put ALL pastes, soap, and lotions in Glad Zip Lock Baggies.

Going through US security is a challenge. To make it go faster, all the liquids that you carry on need to be in a clear plastic baggy and not be more than 3 fl.oz. The stuff you check should also be places in baggies because if they explode you don’t want toothpaste all over your clothes.

6. Pack a days worth of clothes in your carry on incase your luggage is lost.

Everyone knows that sometimes the airlines will lose your luggage. It sucks! But it doesn’t have to stop your trip. Pack a days worth of clothing in your carry on just incase your luggage is lost. it will give you some extra time to find new clothes or get a hold of your lost luggage.

7. Bring a journal. 

This one is important, especially for maintaining recovery while traveling. Not only is a journal a great souvenir but it is also a great place to de-stress and unwind the feelings of the day. Use your journal as therapy and a safe space. Draw if you like to draw, write poems, write stories anything you want. Your journal should be yours.

8. Use packing squares.

Packing squares are a great way to safe space when packing for a long trip. You can purchase them online or at REI.com. They are also great if you want to just take out some clothing at a time and not everything.

9. Make photo copies of ALL of your important documents. 

It is a good idea to keep multiple copies of all important documents just incase your luggage is lost or stolen.

10. Pack on the lighter side.

Just remember that the lighter you pack the more comfortable your travel experience will be. I pack light because if my things were to get stolen or ruined it wouldn’t be the end of world. You have to go into prepared for your things to get ruined or stolen. Don’t pack your most valuable clothing. Don’t pack things you probably won’t wear. Also, no matter what, if you forget something you can always by it once you get there. Chances are is that if you forgot something it probably wasn’t really that important to begin with.

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