5 Things I Did to Find the Courage to Share My Story.

mental health

Have you ever thought about telling your story to the world? Below are five strategies to help you feel comfortable in telling your story to either a close friend, a stranger or the world. Your story is YOURS! No one else has the same story, that is what makes yours so special. For someone in recovery from an eating disorder, your story can be a powerful exercise in finding your power. For others, your story could be a way to self-reflect or embrace your flaws and recognize your greatness! Whatever your reasons are they are for you to decide. Here are some strategies to practice to help you learn how to share your story.

#1: Write it all down.

Take some time to write down your story for yourself. All the good and all the bad. Don’t leave anything out and write it knowing no one will see it. This should be for your eyes only. 

If writing isn’t preferable try putting your story into a different visual. For example: Drawing a cartoon, making a video, writing a poem, making a collage or find a shoe box and put 10 things inside that represent your story.

#2: Share it with a trusted friend.

After a week, re-read your story and think about someone you feel close with and would be willing to read it to. Make sure it is someone who is supportive, non-judgmental and a good listener. Ask them for coffee and read them your story.

#3: Continue to Share.

Once you’ve shared it with one trusted soul, start sharing it with more people. Still share on a one on one basis as you start to get comfortable talking about your story in front of people.

#4: Journal about what it feels to share your story.

Each time you take the time to share your story honor your courage. Sit down and journal about how it felt to talk about yourself in front of someone else. Was it scary? Did you feel good after? Would you change something about the way you shared your story?

#5: Share with a stranger.

The last step is sharing your story with someone you don’t know. This step doesn’t have to happen anytime soon. It can happen months or even years after you first write your story down.

The first time I wrote down my story was in 2014 during treatment. I spent four years telling friends and family but only until this year did I finally find the courage to tell my story to the world. It was terrifying! Trust me. But it was absolutely worth it. My story is uniquely mine and only mine but sharing my story with the world was a release of a secret I felt like I was holding onto. By sharing my story, I was able to take control of my truth and be authentically me.

If you are interested in sharing your story on Bold Destinations let’s connect! Subscribe to email updates from the blog and then you will be directed to the email to contact me. You can also contact me on social media.

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