Indie Beach Bungalows: 5 out of 5 stars- 2018

A couple of months back I had a terrible experience with the US visa process. My boyfriend was planning on visiting me in the States but, due to some unforeseen visa issues, he was unable to make the trip. Naturally, I decided it was the perfect excuse to make a trip back to South East Asia. Because when life gives you lemons you have to at least attempt at making lemonade right?

Deciding on a Destination

I booked a flight to Bangkok using Scott’s Cheap Flights, a newsletter that gives me updates on when the cheapest time is to travel all across the world.

The site has two options:

1) you can pay for a subscription and then get wicked sweet deals on flights and travel

2) you can subscribe to the email list and get updates about when to travel and where.

Because I don’t have a ton of money I have opted for the later. But it is still really great! I was able to secure a flight, last-minute to Bangkok, for basically the same amount it would cost me to fly to the East Coast.

Choosing where to stay

The next part of the trip was ACCOMMODATION! Normally I would go straight to Hostelworld and start checking out hostels. But this time, I wanted a more #VACATION like trip. Something that would allow me to rest and really be completely encompassed by my surroundings. I knew I wanted to go to the beach I just didn’t know which one so I decided to let Airbnb decide for me.

I ended up finding this super cute bungalow in Koh Chang, Indie Beach Bungalows. The pictures barely do it justice and we were there during the rainy season. The staff was incredible. We quickly made friends with Gus, the owner of the bungalows, and Sheryn, the bartender and overall assistant to Gus. 

Welcome to Paradise

Every morning I would wake up around 10-11:00 am. I would order a tropical smoothie made of passion fruit, Thai bananas and mangos. Then I’d walk along the beach dipping my toes in the ocean before making my way back to my hammock.  It was paradise!

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